Science Lab Chemistry Basic CB (Set)

Student experiment set of the student experiment system Science Lab in the field of chemistry. Basic equipment for experiments in general and inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, chemical products and biochemistry. Set-up material for one working group in pre-formed tray. The individual trays are stackable and can optionally be closed with a lid (647 003).
The equipment set Science Lab Chemistry Basic CB, in combination with at least one of the following chemistry sets, enables the performance of experiments at high school, college and basic university level for worldwide curriculums:

  • Equipment set Science Lab Inorganic Chemistry AC (207 211S)
  • Equipment set Science Lab Organic Chemistry OC (207 221S)
  • Equipment set Science Lab Physical Chemistry PC (207 231S)
  • Equipment set Science Lab Technical and Biochemistry TBC (207 241S)